
TopQuadrant’s TopBraid 6.0 Release Delivers New Level of Integrated Data Governance

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According to a new press release, “TopQuadrant, a leading provider of standards-based data governance solutions today announced the release of TopBraid 6.0, a combinable set of modular solutions for Data Governance. With its standards-based, knowledge graph technology, TopBraid Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) offers an integrated approach to data governance which readily allows for enhancements to its model-driven end user experience, and its integration with other systems. Among the key improvements in 6.0 are major enhancements to the User Experience/UI, as well as support for GraphQL.”

Irene Polikoff, CEO and co-founder of TopQuadrant, commented, “Enterprises today have such diverse digital ecosystems with a rich variety of systems, applications and sources. So a data governance solution must represent assets and their role in the enterprise using an open, extensible and ‘smart’ approach… We believe that knowledge graphs are the most powerful way to achieve this, which is why they have always been the foundation of our data governance solution. Knowledge graphs also allow us to integrate the three key aspects of data governance – executive, representative and applied governance – this is essential for building bridges to business context.”

The release adds, “Data governance initiatives succeed by addressing all three aspects of governance: (1) Executive Governance which is concerned with putting in place control processes and policies as well as formalizing and instrumenting processes and policies already in place. (2) Representative Governance which is focused on defining models of the information (metadata) an organization needs to capture about its data sources, applications, reference data, business terms, and other relevant assets, and using these definitions to capture and enrich information about assets. (3) Applied Governance which is about using captured information to address specific needs of the enterprise.”

Read more at Business Wire.

Photo credit: TopQuadrant

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