The shift in the business perception of data has now catapulted Data Management into new heights. Data Science is a core component of Data Management now, but Data Management and Data Science are often seen as two different activities. Working among data analysts, data engineers, and DBAs, data scientists spend their time getting the data […]
Knowledge Graph Standards in Ambient Computing
Ambient computing is a broad term that describes an environment of smart devices, data, AI decisions, and human activity that enables computer actions alongside everyday life, without the need for direct human commands or intervention. Ambient computing represents an unparalleled opportunity to enhance almost every sphere of society – from the professional to the personal. And in […]
Data Governance Trends in 2022
Way back in the early 2000s, Data Governance wasn’t really much of a thing. There were a few really early pioneers that were doing Data Governance, and they were laying the groundwork, but governance was not a recognized capability. Companies who did see some value in Data Governance were primarily focused on the benefit to […]
The Value of Metadata Governance
Data, by itself, is just data. But put data in context—that’s when it becomes useful information. Robert Seiner, while speaking at the DATAVERSITY® Enterprise Data Governance Online Conference, said that what provides that context is metadata: “Data plus metadata equals the information that our organizations need to use to be successful.” Seiner is President and […]
Establishing Data Governance as a Service
Although Data Governance has been a hot topic for a long time, companies are still struggling to get value from their governance programs. The astounding number of tools available on the market have potential, but organizations often have trouble leveraging those tools for the most value. As data continues to become more complex and voluminous, […]
The Evolution of Metadata Platforms vs. Data Platforms
Watching closely the evolution of metadata platforms (later rechristened as Data Governance platforms due to their focus), as somebody who has implemented and built Data Governance solutions on top of these platforms, I see a significant evolution in their architecture as well as the use cases they support. This evolution seems to closely mirror the […]
The Data Warehouse, the Data Lake, and the Future of Analytics
Data lakes were created in response to the need for Big Data analytics that has been largely unmet by data warehousing. The pendulum swing toward data lake technology provides some remarkable new capabilities, but can be problematic if the swing goes too far in the other direction. Far from being at the end of this […]
What Is a Metadata Repository?
A metadata repository is a software tool that stores descriptive information about the data model used to store and share metadata. Metadata repositories combine diagrams and text, enabling metadata integration and change. The metadata repository’s power lies with the easily accessible way people can view and navigate its contents. Other Definitions of Metadata Repositories Include: […]
Case Study: Enterprise Metadata Repository Facilitates Change at the University of Washington
This past summer The University of Washington went live with Workday, a Software-as-a-Service human capital management solution. It replaced a decades-old HR/payroll (HR/P) system and represented the largest administrative transformation in the school’s history. Human resources personnel are affected by the change, of course, but so too is practically everyone else on campus. That’s to […]
Working with Metadata Management Frameworks
Metadata Management will grow into 2021 and beyond. According to a DATAVERSITY® Trends in Data Management Report, 84 percent of business respondents had a Metadata Management initiative in place or had plans for one. MarketWatch, a consulting firm, expects massive growth by 2026. How much success a company will have with Metadata Management will depend […]