Click to learn more about author Steve Zagoudis. One of the most critical aspects of an effective Data Governance implementation is having a comprehensive Data Governance policy. The need for a policy is often considered a bureaucratic burden. Like a charter, all governance groups seem forced to have these two governing documents as a license […]
Revolutionizing Your Data Catalog with Automated Metadata and Lineage
Click to learn more about author Emily Washington. In recent years, enterprise data across multiple industries has led to groundbreaking innovation: In the utility industry, energy companies build consumer portals for sharing energy-saving information, supporting the customer by cutting energy costs and protecting the environment. Financial institutions build modern applications and analyze client financial records […]
Enterprise Data World 2021 – San Diego, CA
DATE: April 18-23, 2021 LOCATION: San Diego, California VENUE: Sheraton San Diego 1380 Harbor Island Drive San Diego, California 92101 ABOUT THE EVENT: The 25th Annual Enterprise Data World (EDW) Conference hosted by DATAVERSITY® is recognized as the most comprehensive educational conference on Data Management in the world. Attend classroom-sized workshops, in-depth tutorials, case study sessions, and […]
Metadata Repository Basics: From Database to Data Architecture
Companies use a metadata repository to store and share information about data or metadata. Metadata repositories, once thought limited to databases or diagrams, have evolved sophisticated Data Architectures, driving businesses to transform the marketplace digitally. Take the New South Wales (NSW) government’s Spatial Digital Twin, which went live in February 2020. NSW, an Australian state […]
Why Metadata is Even More Important Than Data
Click to learn more about author Nabil Lodey. Most companies, whether in finance, retail, or government sectors, are seeking to make the most of their data to gain a competitive advantage. But not many organizations are making effective use of metadata. Arguably, data on its own can be meaningless, but when combined with metadata, it […]
Why a Data Marketplace Matters Now More Than Ever
Click to learn more about author Joe DosSantos. In these uncertain times, effective understanding of your customers, your employees, and your market will illuminate paths for managing the short-term so as to be able to continue to grow and even flourish after the COVID-19 outbreak, a period that most economists think will be measured in […]
Beyond Security: Creating a Shared Vision for Flexible Cloud Governance
Click to learn more about author Bo Lane. Cybersecurity organizations should partner with business units to create a shared and flexible cloud governance model that better enables responsible cloud adoption. Businesses cannot (and often will not) wait for security organizations to create inflexible governance frameworks for cloud adoption. After all, the cloud is supposed to […]
Data Governance and Data Stewardship Drive Successful Glossaries and Dictionaries
It would be any data manager’s nightmare to run meetings that create pedantic and irrelevant business glossaries or data dictionaries, which eventually gather cyber dust. However, skipping over building and maintaining a good business glossary or data dictionary risks convoluted meanings, confusing communications, and business failures. What should a company do? Robert S. Seiner (Bob), […]
Data and Analytics: Why are We Grouping Them Together?
Click here to learn more about Victor Dudemaine. Data and Analytics are one of the hottest areas of focus for organizations. If you are not mining your data, consultants will tell you that your model is broken and in serious need of an overhaul. And by all accounts, they are right. We have recognized the value data […]
Leading the Way in Data Analysis for Business Intelligence
Click to learn more about author Samuel Bocetta. Companies are implementing business strategies with some key objectives in mind: cost reduction, improvements in efficiency, and enhanced profitability. Business intelligence can add huge value in these areas, which is why professionals in business intelligence and data analysis are in great demand. In a 2017 IBM report, […]