Graph databases have improved significantly since the 1990s, with new developments and a better realization of best practices. Graph technology has become one of the most popular methods of performing big data research. Its focus on finding relationships and its flexibility make it ideal for a variety of research projects. An awareness of new developments […]
Say Hello to Graph Normal Form (GNF)
You thought you knew all normal forms? (And possibly also some abnormal …) Well, think again: There is also “graph normal form (GNF).” The diagram below is a fifth normal form graph concept model, which is just a few steps from GNF, so hang on: Where GNF comes from GNF is based on serious mathematics, […]
What’s in a Name? (aka Data Modeling What?)
Click to learn more about author Thomas Frisendal. This is a summer special, on the lighter side, but addressing a simply overwhelming issue at times. What Are You Talking About? Sometimes the obvious is not that … obvious. Many people know that I am on the graph-y side of the house. But explaining a simple matter like […]
Graph Databases in the Spotlight
Graph databases are distinguished by relationships. Users can query, for example, the connections that relate a customer to an account that he or she owns, or how many degrees of separation exist between Kevin Bacon and Audrey Hepburn. Ontologies are a key underpinning, providing a data model to describe things in a database. Metadata and […]
The Knowledge Representation Corner: Graphs
Click to learn more about Adam Pease. Preface This is the first in a series of articles exploring knowledge representation in Artificial Intelligence from the perspective of a practical implementer and programmer. AI is now a collection of approaches that has seen practical commercial application in search, linguistics, reasoning and analytics in a wide variety […]