A data modeler is a person who models data or documents software and business system designs. By doing this, a data modeler translates business needs into technical specifications. Developers and other IT members benefit from this when creating new data systems and troubleshooting and maintaining them. Data models promote consensus among developers, customers, and other […]
Data and Creativity: A Decisive Combination
Click to learn more about author Michael D. Shaw. If we separate the signal from the noise, if we translate the signal into a simple message, the words should speak for themselves. In so many words, the message should say, “Proceed with caution.” The message is not only an admonition about data but a dictum […]
How Culture, Data, and Skills Serve as Barometers for Organizational Data Science Preparedness
Click to learn more about author Steve MacLauchlan. I’ve had the good fortune over my career of working with many different organizations across many different industries. Often, I’ve been in an advisory role assisting organizations with getting a handle on their data assets and finding value in the insights those assets can provide. When data is […]