
Data-Driven Decision-Making 101

Data-driven decision-making involves utilizing data and analytics to solve business problems. Relying on facts rather than intuition or personal opinions can lead to more accurate and effective decisions.   In business organizations, evidence-based decisions can optimize operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth. By examining trends, patterns, and correlations within datasets, business operators can uncover valuable information that helps […]

What Is a Data Strategy? Components and Uses

A Data Strategy is a reliable touchstone created by an organization for businesspeople to apply when confronting challenges in executing data activities to meet or support a business strategy. It offers direction when generating, updating, storing, and consuming data to better perform these tasks.  Managers use a Data Strategy to plan, assess, and synchronize data […]

Achieving Successful Cloud Migration in Healthcare 

The healthcare cloud computing market is growing rapidly and is expected to exceed $62 billion by 2030. As cloud-based solutions become more prevalent in healthcare, they are transforming clinical, finance, HR, and supply chain operations. According to a recent survey of hospital and health system leaders, 45% of respondents already use cloud-based supply chain management technologies. By 2026, it’s […]

Three Causes of Cloud Migration Failure in Large Enterprises

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern business world, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is taking the industry by storm. Companies increasingly recognize the transformative potential of GenAI and machine learning. To harness the full power of these technologies, it is critical for organizations to embrace cloud computing. Cloud migration is not a mere option but […]

What Is Data Architecture? Components and Uses

Data Architecture describes the infrastructure that connects a Business Strategy and Data Strategy with technical execution. Ideally, Data Architecture happens within a systematic framework, providing a foundation for people and systems to work with data. Three types of components underlie the architecture infrastructure and connect to drive insights, make data-driven decisions, and manage risk. They include: Specific examples of […]

5 Ways to Use Data to Make Workplace Decisions

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, decision-making has shifted from relying on gut instinct and the loudest voice in the room to data-driven approaches. In this article, we will explore five powerful ways to harness data for making informed decisions in the workplace, offer practical insights to boost productivity, and explain how to adapt to […]

Getting Executive Buy-in for Data Management

Within the last several years, the marketplace has shifted from industrial-produced to data-based. Consequently, many companies have a strong drive to become data-driven, from financial firms to nonprofits. Yet, when C-suite managers and others discuss making money from data, they see the face of data analytics and Data Science. These conversations miss the Data Architecture and Data Management fundamentals […]

Is Your Data Ready for Generative AI?

Generative AI (GenAI) is all the rage in the world today, thanks to the advent of tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E. To their credit, these innovations are extraordinary. They’ve put the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) into the hands of everyday users. However, these tools have also skewed our perceptions of what […]