
5 Ways Data Leaders Can Improve Data Reliability

Businesses today collect and store an astonishing amount of data. According to estimates from IDC, 163 zettabytes of data will have been created worldwide by 2025. However, this data is not always useful to business leaders until it is organized to be of higher quality and reliability. Despite its importance to effective data analysis, most business leaders […]

When Data and IT Infrastructure Are Overly Complex

As efforts to simplify IT infrastructure through automation are ongoing, the action to pinpoint where complexity resides is key. Data complexity not only complicates the user experience but also wreaks havoc in the backend for administrators and IT decision-makers.  As the world of data has grown exponentially and transcended the borders of enterprises, the management of data […]

Recommendations to Level Up Your Machine Learning Platform

With machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications becoming more business-critical, organizations are in the race to advance their AI/ML capabilities. To realize the full potential of AI/ML, having the right underlying machine learning platform is a prerequisite. Today’s machine learning platforms are undergoing rapid, fundamental innovations at an architectural level. Meanwhile, organizations are […]

Overcoming the Data Decision Gap in 2022

As organizations enter a new year, leaders across industries are increasingly collecting more data to drive innovative growth strategies. Yet to move forward effectively, these organizations need greater context around their data to make accurate and streamlined decisions. A recent Data in Context research study found that more than 95% of organizations suffer from a data decision […]

3 Ways Strong Data Governance Practices Can Improve Your Business

Businesses have long struggled to find the balance between compliance and agility. This is especially true when it comes to Data Governance. According to TechTarget, Data Governance is the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the data in enterprise systems, based on internal data standards and policies. Effective Data Governance ensures that […]

Why Adopting the Right Unstructured Data Management Strategy Is Critical

While many sectors have been under severe economic pressure in the past couple of years, the post-pandemic economy is offering significant opportunities for growth. However, many businesses must also currently contend with record domestic and global labor shortages, supply chain problems, and other challenging external constraints. As a result, enterprises everywhere are under intense pressure […]

The Little Red Data Hen – A Cautionary Tale

Click to learn more about author Scott Taylor. The Data Rants video blog series begins with host Scott Taylor “The Data Whisperer.” The series covers some of the most prominent questions in Data Management, such as master data, the difference between master data and MDM, “truth” versus “meaning” in data, Data Quality, and so much more. […]