Data Science is no longer just the purview of academic conferences and scholarly papers, it is now a significant movement within Data Management as a whole and has numerous benefits that are now only being understood. According to Daniel Gutierrez at InsideBigData, “Eighty-nine percent of corporations believe that not leveraging big data will result in […]
Data Science and Insight as a Service
Data Science is now one of the top Data Management industry buzzwords. But what is real insight? And how can such insights aid in the success of an enterprise. According to the article, “in today’s environment where corporate marketing over-hypes everything associated with big data and analytics, the word “insight” is being used very loosely, […]
Best Practices in Data Storytelling
Data storytelling is a critical aspect of analytics that was not given much attention until recently. An Enterprise Data World 2015 session entitled “Visualize This: The Art of Data Storytelling” featuring Kimberly Nevala and Bree Baich of SAS indicates that data storytelling plays an integral role in: Advanced Analytics: The more advanced the nature of […]
Case Study: An Inside Look at Airbnb’s Data Science Journey
by Angela Guess Riley Newman of Airbnb recently wrote in VentureBeat, “Five years ago, I joined Airbnb as its first data scientist. At that time, the few people who’d even heard of the company were still figuring out how to pronounce its name, and the roughly seven-person team (depending on whether you counted that guy […]