
Infographic: Modern Data Science for All

by Angela Guess Information Management recently wrote, “The data scientist role has been called the ‘hot job of the decade’ – Harvard Business Review has even dubbed it ‘the sexiest job of the 21st century.’ Regardless of what you call it, one thing is clear: the field of data science is exploding. At the center […]

Data Science Trends to Look for in 2016

by Angela Guess Mike Weston recently wrote in Dataconomy, “Many people still don’t realise how much data science touches their everyday lives, from Amazon recommendations to the algorithms powering their Uber app. With adoption of data science up across most business verticals, it’s natural to wonder how the sector will develop in 2016. My gut […]

What Does a Data Scientist Really Do?

by Angela Guess Forbes contributor Bernard Marr recently wrote, “The term ‘data scientist’ can cover many roles across many industries and organizations from academia to finance or Government. [Data scientist Dr. Steve] Hanks leads a team of 12 to 15 members responsible for all of the analytics at Whitepages, and their skillsets and duties vary. […]

Optimism for the Future of Big Data Abounds

by Angela Guess Alex Woodie recently wrote for Datanami, “It’s no surprise that leaders in the field are… optimistic about the future of big data. ‘Despite incredible advances over the past few years, we’ve barely scratched the surface on the full potential of analytics,’ says Scott Zoldi, chief analytics officer at FICO. Zoldi sees several […]

The Top 10 Skills Required in Data Science

by Angela Guess Bob Hayes recently analyzed the top ten skills needed by Data Science professionals in Business2Community. He writes, “In our ongoing study of data scientists, we ask data professionals to indicate their proficiency in 25 different data science skills. The 25 skills, listed in Figure 1 (above), reflect the set of skills that […]

Cognitive Computing has a Bright Future

IBM and Watson have made Cognitive Computing famous and are now employing such technologies for a range of different applications, “cognitive systems have the potential to reshape computing, and are an area of computing that you should not ignore. I recently watched this video The Future of Cognitive Computing by Dr. John Kelly, Senior Vice […]