by Angela Guess Lisa Morgan recently wrote in Information Week, “The data science talent shortage has some companies thinking outside the box. Even if your company employs a formidable data science team, you would likely still benefit from third-party ideas or solutions. Data science competitions and other forms of crowdsourcing offer viable means of advancing […]
How Airbnb Doubled Its Ratio of Female Data Science Team Members
by Angela Guess Megan Rose Dickey reports in TechCrunch, “The data science team over at home-sharing platform Airbnb was able to increase the overall ratio of female employees on its team from 15 percent to 30 percent in 2015, with 47 percent of its new hires being women. That didn’t happen by accident. After scaling […]
Data Science Extends Far Beyond Data Scientists
by Angela Guess Adrian Bridgwater recently wrote in Forbes, “Today we know that data science isn’t just for data scientists. At least that’s the trend we are seeing radiate upwards from our increasing business-centric approach to the Internet of Things, big data analytics and machine learning. The new data-aware boardroom even sees CEOs and CFOs […]
Where Data Science Meets Operations
by Angela Guess John Weathington recently wrote in TechRepublic, “When most people imagine a data science team, they envision a think tank centrally located in corporate headquarters that is assiduously working to propel the company’s next big strategy. Some even think of data scientists in more of a research and development function, doing deep data […]
Adobe Set to Offer New Round of Grants to Data Science Researchers
by Angela Guess Alex Knapp reports for Forbes, “Adobe announced today that it would be hosting its third Data Science Symposium on May 26 of this year. At the symposium, the company will also be giving grants of up to $50,000 to university researchers in data science. Since 2014, the company has given away 18 […]
Why People are Key to Data Science
by Angela Guess Ron Bodkin recently wrote in Dataconomy, “In the world of data science, great strides are being made in the area of deep learning. We’ve made so much progress that it is easy to think that instead of having to embrace data science as a discipline, we can somehow wait a little big […]
The Latest Anaconda Innovation Enhances Analytics Performance By 7x
by Angela Guess According to a new article out of the company, “Continuum Analytics, the creator and driving force behind Anaconda, the leading modern open source analytics platform powered by Python, today announced the release of Anaconda 2.5. The latest version of Anaconda is now coupled with Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) optimization to […]
How to Start a Second Career as a Data Scientist
by Angela Guess Aaron Beach recently wrote in IT Pro Portal, “Let’s say you’re a marketer with a passion for numbers; maybe you’d describe yourself as a bit of a stats geek and you love an illustrated workflow. What if you’re having a change of heart on your chosen career? What if you now want […]
Choosing the Right Type of Data Scientist for Your Business
by Angela Guess Michael Li recently wrote in the Harvard Business Review, “If you’re looking to hire a data scientist to join your company, you’re not alone. At The Data Incubator, we work with hundreds of companies that are looking to find data scientists from our Fellowship Program. In our experience, candidates usually come from […]
The Year of the Citizen Data Scientist
by Angela Guess Mary Shacklett recently wrote in TechRepublic, “I recently visited with Shawn Rogers, Chief Research Officer at Dell Statistica, a business unit within Dell’s software group. Rogers predicted a growth in Internet of Things (IoT) big data initiatives in 2016, in addition to an enterprise push for more real-time IoT applications. He said […]