
A Beginner’s Guide to Business Data Terminology

by Angela Guess Hannah Augur recently put together a guide in Dataconomy of some of the most basic business data terminology for non-tech execs and others new to the wide world of data. Her guide begins with “Algorithms: Mathematical formulas or statistical processes used to analyze data. These are used in software to process and […]

Infographic: Business Analytics v. Data Science

by Angela Guess The Kogod School of Business at American University recently put together an infographic comparing careers in business analytics with careers in Data Science. Phil Simon writes, “Not too long ago, The Harvard Business Review dubbed data scientist ‘the sexiest job of the 21st century.’ What’s more, McKinsey reported that the United States […]

Fighting Human Trafficking with Data Science

by Angela Guess Hannah Augur reports in, “Finding missing children and unraveling the complex web of human trafficking is no easy task. The relevant datasets are massive and often unstandardized. It can be difficult to find the right data at all, as it often disappears from websites and pages on a regular basis. When […]

3 Strategies for a Data Science Breakthrough

by Angela Guess John Weathington recently wrote in TechRepublic, “There’s no reason for a data scientist to don a white coat or play with beakers. In practice they should be an integral part of your corporate strategy, driving forward the development of your next innovation. The idea of stashing data scientists away in a data […]

Vetting the Actual Science Behind Data Science

Click here to learn more about author James Kobielus. Everybody wants to rule the world–or, at the very least, discover the fundamental rules that rule the world. That’s why we have scientists. Statistical models are the heart of most scientific inquiry. In business applications, for example, data scientists often work with behavioral data that is […]

Data Science, Witchcraft, and Cookbooks

by Angela Guess Yasmeen Ahmad of Teradata recently wrote in Forbes, “Trying to explain what I do to friends and family can be difficult. They’re intrigued by the title. Data Scientist. But ‘what does it mean, exactly?’ Invariably, the mystery deepens as puzzlers wrestle with the idea of a data and science mash-up. And as […]

The Business Benefits of Deep Learning

Over the past several years, the global Data Science community has watched the rise and steady penetration of such concepts as neural networks, Deep Learning, and back propagation. As research in Artificial Intelligence continues to evolve, an increasing interest in Neural Networks and Deep Learning has caught the fancy of worldwide business owners and operators. […]