It seems as if you can’t pull up a website on data these days without running into the term Artificial Intelligence. And with good reason: Markets and Markets has it pegged as reaching $16 billion by 2022. Wander around the Web and you can hit on stories about everything from the top AI stocks to […]
Genedata Launches Data Science Services for Precision Medicine
by Angela Guess A recent press release states, “Genedata, a leading provider of advanced software solutions for pharmaceutical research and development (R&D), today announced the launch of Data Science Services, offering on-demand, project-based expertise in omic data analysis and interpretation for the rapidly evolving field of precision medicine. Data Science Services allows pharmaceutical R&D organizations […]
A Comparative Study of Business Intelligence and Analytics Market Trends
The global Business Intelligence and Analytics market this year has already reached or is nearing $16.9 Billion, according to Gartner. The BI and Analytics market has undergone a major transformation from an enterprise IT-led, record reporting system to business-driven self-service data explorations. This turnaround of trends in Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics indicates a larger […]
Gartner Says More Than 40 Percent of Data Science Tasks Will Be Automated by 2020
by Angela Guess According to a new press release, “More than 40 percent of data science tasks will be automated by 2020, resulting in increased productivity and broader usage of data and analytics by citizen data scientists, according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner defines a citizen data scientist as a person who creates or generates models […]
Importance of Business Intelligence and Social Networking
Click here to learn more about author Kartik Patel. Let’s talk about the application of social media and social networking within the Business Intelligence environment. This might seem like an odd concept but give it some thought. Every consumer and business user is now used to the idea that they can share, rate, discuss and […]
Data Science Education and Research at The University of Michigan
The University of Michigan’s Data Science education program provides a wide range of training options, which can be tailored to the individual goals of the student. They offer an individualized, interactive, data-centered training experience. The U of M Graduate Data Science Certificate Program’s primary mission is to develop a corps of skilled Data Scientists with […]
Frequencies in R — Part 2
Click here to learn more about author Steve Miller. In last month’s blog, I compared several functions that compute frequencies and crosstabs in R. The ones I’ve worked with primarily, and the foci of Part 1, were table from the base package, xtabs from the stats package, and count from Hadley Wickham’s plyr package. Tests were conducted on a data set […]
2017 Machine Learning Trends
Machine Learning (ML) has revolutionized the world of computers by allowing them to learn as they progress forward with large datasets, thus mitigating many previous programming pitfalls and impasses. Machine Learning builds algorithms, which when exposed to high volumes of data, can self-teach and evolve. When this unique technology powers Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, the […]
The Science of Big Data: The Art of Interpretation
Click here to learn more about Jeff Hirsch. Still think marketing research is more science than art? Allow me to introduce exhibit one, the 2016 presidential election. Lamenting this epic fail in research in The Hollywood Reporter, Michael Wolff went so far to say it was the “day the data died.” That’s not quite right. Big […]
Challenges in Data Science: How to Better Organize Enterprise Components
How do Data Scientists fit into an organization? How is the role of a Data Scientist different from the role of a Data Engineer? How should the Data Science team be organized to create the most value for the business? Those are questions companies are struggling with as they begin to incorporate Big Data, Analytics, […]