by Angela Guess According to a new press release, “Datawatch Corporation, the data intelligence provider with market leading enterprise data preparation, predictive analytics, and visualization solutions, today announced that it has acquired Angoss Software Corporation, a privately-held data science platform provider based in Toronto, Canada. The acquisition will augment Datawatch’s Monarch data intelligence offering with […]
Data Science Education at Syracuse University
In mid-2017, Syracuse University announced it was accepting applications for its new online program, DataScience@Syracuse. It is an 18 month, 36 credit program, ending with a Master’s of Science in Applied Data Science. It was developed collaboratively by the University’s Martin J. Whitman School of Management and their School of Information Studies, also known as […]
Evidence or Politics – the Skeptic Seeks Answers with R
Click to learn more about author Steve Miller. I’m often asked about the skillsets of top analytics professionals/Data Scientists. My response is always a deep background in statistics and Machine Learning in addition to strong capabilities in Data Management and computation. On the less technical side is knowledge of the business (or other) environment plus […]
Moving from AI Science Experiment to Operationalized Pipeline
Click to learn more about author Dipti Borkar. Organizations have spent the past few years educating themselves on various Artificial Intelligence frameworks and tools. But for AI to become mainstream, it will need move beyond small-scale and often ad hoc experiments being run by Data Scientists, to becoming an automated pipeline with the inference and […]
Veritone Acquires Advanced Data Science and Machine Learning Firm
by Angela Guess According to a recent press release, “Veritone®, Inc., a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive solutions, today announced it has acquired the advanced data analytics software and related intellectual property (IP) assets of Atigeo Corporation. The acquisition includes a cooperative distributed inferencing system — based on Hamiltonian models and other […]
The Biggest Misconception About Moving Data to the Cloud
Click to learn more about author Thomas LaRock Clouds consist of tiny droplets of water or ice crystals—hydrogen and oxygen. The Earth is made up mainly of iron, oxygen, silicon and magnesium. You wouldn’t expect these different combinations of elements to act the same, nor should you assume that your Cloud servers will function exactly like […]
Identify Data Patterns with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
Discovering, extracting, and analyzing data patterns in textual data from the myriad data sources streaming into modern data-driven organizations is no easy task. Organizations must be equipped with state-of-the art techniques such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) within well-developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) platforms, to reliably understand the pulse of their consumers […]
Why Cyber Security and Data Science Have Similar Problems
Click to learn more about author David Schlesinger. To begin with, and I say this being of a certain age myself, most top managers are older people. Being older, many operated during a large part of their business career in a non-computer world. The concept of actually using computer data for business advantage only began recently, […]
Infographic – Changing the Curve: Women in Computing
by Angela Guess A recent release out of the Berkeley School of Information asks, “What do the first computer programmer, the patent holder for spread spectrum wireless communications, and the author of the first assembly language have in common? All were women, as are 34 percent of today’s web developers and 23 percent of programmers. […]
Advanced Analytics: If You Don’t Know What You Need, How Can You Succeed?
Click to learn more about author Kartik Patel. Every enterprise is talking about Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics. Every enterprise has considered the benefits of implementing Self-Serve Analytics across the organization and involving business users in the process. Panel discussions at technology conferences and hallway conversations among executives and IT staff encourage the trend and create anxiety […]