
Build a Data-Driven Culture with a Data Catalog

Humans can be very particular about things. Some little kids simply won’t eat spinach. Adolescents might refuse to wear clothing that isn’t imprinted with cool brand logos. And adults may not like the cultural change that accompanies the effort to become a data-driven enterprise. Recent research addresses this in the context of Big Data and […]

Nowcasting Chicago Crime with R

Click to learn more about author Steve Miller. In my many years as a data scientist, I’ve spent more time doing forecast work than any other type of predictive modeling. Often as not, the work’s involved forecasting demand for an organization’s many products/lines of business a year or more out based on five or more […]

Alteryx Acquires ClearStory Data to Accelerate Innovation in Data Science and Analytics

A recent press release states, “Alteryx, Inc., revolutionizing business through data science and analytics, today announced that it has acquired ClearStory Data, a privately held software company based in Menlo Park, Calif. ClearStory Data is an enterprise-scale, continuous intelligence analytics solution for complex and unstructured data. Since its founding in 2011, ClearStory Data has focused […]

Endor Launches Predictions Protocol to Democratize Access to AI and Data Science

According to a new press release, “After years of developing its predictive analytics platform powered by MIT’s Social Physics technology, Endor is proud to launch the Endor Protocol which enables businesses and individuals to analyze large data sets and generate automated, accurate business predictions using AI. Founded by MIT researchers Prof. Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, and […]

Fraud Detection Using a Neural Autoencoder

Click to learn more about author Rosaria Silipo. The co-authors of this column were Kathrin Melcher and Maarit Widmann. The Fraud Detection Problem Fraud detection belongs to the more general class of problems — the anomaly detection. Anomaly is a generic, not domain-specific, concept. It refers to any exceptional or unexpected event in the data, […]