
What Are Data Regulations?

Data regulations describe policies and laws ensuring that processed data is shared or governed appropriately, where the right data assets go to the right place at the right time. Data regulation falls under the umbrella of Data Governance. Advances in technology, such as cloud computing, allow individual’s or company’s data to be stored cheaply and […]

What Is Data Security?

Data security describes the implementation of policies and procedures to ensure people and things take the right actions with data and information assets, even in the presence of malicious inputs. The right actions mean controlling and enabling data activity by balancing needs from: Stakeholders: Protect personal information while allowing access for legitimate transactions agreed upon […]

Five Tips for CMOs to Ensure Company and Data Security

Click to learn more about author Cindy Zhou. As the chief marketing officer (CMO) of a cybersecurity software company, I spend a lot of time on data security for our content marketing. However, in many organizations, security is a frequently overlooked area for marketers.  In today’s business landscape, brand reputation – a job heavily supported […]

Data Minimization Is the Future of Advertising

Click to learn more about author Amy Yeung. As an industry, we’ve made great strides in advocating for and educating the public about the importance of data privacy. New laws – like Virginia’s recently-passed CDPA – make well-intentioned and important attempts to protect consumers. But, in my view, we’re focused on the wrong things. We […]

Some Thoughts in the Wake of World Password Day

Click to learn more about author Don Boxley. World Password Day was born back in 2005 when security researcher Mark Burnett suggested that everyone embrace a specific day in which they update their digital passwords. According to National Day Calendar, this idea gained traction in May 2013, when Intel Security selected the first Thursday each May as World Password […]

Data Governance vs. Blockchain

Data Governance is the hot topic in today’s security- and privacy-concerned digital ecosystem. Blockchain technology offers data-centered security to sensitive, transactional systems that require tamper-resistant, fully auditable tracking mechanisms. Thus, blockchain and Data Governance (DG) complement each other in many ways, while maintaining distinct operational philosophies and application turfs. Blockchain is today’s preferred technology for […]