
7 Key Features of Data Management Systems

Data Management is the practice of gathering, organizing, securing, and storing data for an organization so it can be analyzed for business decisions. Data Management helps minimize potential errors by setting processes and policies around its usage and building confidence in the data used for decision-making throughout the company. Businesses implement Data Management systems to ensure that data […]

Data Modeling 101

Data Modeling creates a visual representation of a data system as a whole or as parts of it. The goal is to communicate the kinds of data being used and saved within the system. A data model should also show the data’s relationships, how the data can be organized, and the formats used. A data model can […]

Say Hello to Graph Normal Form (GNF)

You thought you knew all normal forms? (And possibly also some abnormal …) Well, think again: There is also “graph normal form (GNF).” The diagram below is a fifth normal form graph concept model, which is just a few steps from GNF, so hang on: Where GNF comes from GNF is based on serious mathematics, […]

Data Modeling Techniques and Best Practices

Data models play an integral role in the development of effective data architecture for modern businesses. They are key to the conceptualization, planning, and building of an integrated data repository that drives advanced analytics and BI. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with an overview of the most popular data modeling techniques and best practices to […]

Data Modeling Tools

Data Modeling tools assist in creating a data model. Data Modeling was initially the process of creating a framework within a database that allowed data to be stored and researched using the data’s relationships. However, the term “Data Modeling” has expanded to include software engineering. A well-designed database (or app) makes the system more efficient, reduces […]

The Rise of the Semantic Layer

Cloud giants like Google and Snowflake, unicorns like dbt Labs, and a host of venture-backed startups are now talking about a critical new layer in the data and analytics stack. Some call it a “metrics layer,” or a “metrics hub” or “headless BI,” but most call it a “semantic layer.” I prefer to call it a “semantic layer” because it best describes a business-friendly interface […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Data Modeling and Analytics

As more and more companies start to use data-related applications to manage their huge assets of data, the concepts of data modeling and analytics are becoming increasingly important. While they typically rely on one each, they are two very distinct concepts.  Companies use data analysis to clean, transform, and model their sets of data, whereas they […]

A Brief History of Data Management

Data Management is the organization of data, the steps used to achieve efficiency, and gather business intelligence from that data. Data Management, as a concept, began in the 1960s, with ADAPSO (the Association of Data Processing Service Organizations) forwarding Data Management advice, with an emphasis on professional training and quality assurance metrics. Data management has […]

Better Data Modeling with Lean Methodology

The process used today in systems development started with principles developed for assembly lines in the 1950s, when manufacturers wanted a more disciplined approach to producing goods and services.Products would come off an assembly line, they’d be inspected, defects would be found, and would be sent back to rework or start from scratch. This process […]