
Data Modeling in the Machine Learning Era

Machine learning (ML) is empowering average business users with superior, automated tools to apply their domain knowledge to predictive analytics or customer profiling. The article What is Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)? discusses a prediction that by 2020, augmented analytics capabilities will play a key role and be a “dominant driver” in the growth (and purchase) […]

Timely Concerns in Data Models

Click to learn more about author Thomas Frisendal. The Component Parts of Data Models Back in March 2019 I published a post here on DATAVERSITY® titled The Atoms and Molecules of Data Models. The objective was to scope ”a universal set of constituents in data models across the board”. I used this classic data model, […]

Sigma Announces Visual Data Modeling, SQL Runner and One-click Snowflake Integration

According to a recent press release, “Today at the inaugural Snowflake Summit in San Francisco, Sigma, an innovator in cloud business intelligence (BI) and analytics, announced its forthcoming release of a visual data modeling capability, SQL Runner, and one-click Snowflake integration, allowing anyone to explore data in cloud warehouses and generate insights in minutes. Sigma’s […]

Data Models That Build Themselves

Click to learn more about author Mike Brody. Self-service Business Intelligence (BI) is about bridging the knowledge gap that has historically separated business professionals from their data. It’s about doing away with intimate knowledge of information systems as a prerequisite for finding out last quarter’s growth margin. And when it comes to replacing SQL statements with […]

The Three Pillars of Agile Data Mastering

Click to learn more about author Mark Marinelli. We’ve explored the benefits of an agile data mastering approach in a previous post, but let’s do a quick recap: Many businesses that collect a large amount of data have an accumulating data mastering issue that leaves their data largely untouchable and riddled with inaccuracies. The problem […]