The once-disconnected worlds of data management and analytics are increasingly colliding in front of our eyes, even if not everybody sees it. We are in the midst of a quiet revolution and entering a new era in which all the key ingredients for successful decision-making are coming together. That combination will see the emergence of […]
What Is Data Management? Definition, Benefits, Uses
Data Management (DM) comprises a comprehensive collection of consistent and responsible practices, concepts, and processes. These resources align data for business success and implement a Data Strategy. Additionally, they span long-term, abstract planning to hands-on, day-to-day data activities. Since DM spans many outcomes, behaviors, and activities throughout the data lifecycle, companies find organizing it into a framework helpful. […]
Getting Executive Buy-in for Data Management
Within the last several years, the marketplace has shifted from industrial-produced to data-based. Consequently, many companies have a strong drive to become data-driven, from financial firms to nonprofits. Yet, when C-suite managers and others discuss making money from data, they see the face of data analytics and Data Science. These conversations miss the Data Architecture and Data Management fundamentals […]
Data Engineer vs. Data Analyst
In today’s data-driven world, two data professional roles that play crucial roles are data engineers and data analysts. Both these professionals aid the process of extracting data-driven insights, but they possess distinct skill sets and responsibilities. Below are some key facts about educational backgrounds and job roles of the data engineer vs. data analyst, as well as the […]
Scale-Out ZFS: Scalable Storage for Exponential Data Growth and Powerful Data Protection
Advanced data-intensive applications, the increased use of digitalization, and IoT devices are forcing organizations across various industries to reevaluate how they handle large amounts of data and exponential data growth effectively and efficiently. ZFS is a popular storage system because it is powerful and flexible, making it well-suited to handle large amounts of data while […]
The Three Things Data Practitioners Struggle With
Data Management has never been more critical than today. As AI grows more prominent, data initiatives are more important than ever. As the digital age propels us forward, the need for robust DataOps strategies becomes evident. These strategies, however, are not devoid of challenges. Data-focused practitioners have a unique relationship with data. They are grappling […]
Data Management Solutions
In today’s data-driven world, effective Data Management is essential for the successful implementation of any project or business initiative. Data Management solutions play a crucial role in this process by providing comprehensive tools and capabilities to handle vast amounts of data efficiently and accurately. One key aspect of successful implementation is ensuring the availability and […]
Managing Data as a Product: What, Why, How
The concept of managing “data as a product” involves a paradigm shift. By treating data as a product designed for consumer use, rather than a pool of semi-chaotic information, businesses can increase their profits. Many businesses have set up customized data pipelines – or other extreme and expensive steps – in unsuccessful efforts to maximize the […]
Strong AI/ML Must Be Founded on a Strong Data Strategy
The list of use cases powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies is growing exponentially across nearly every business sector. Enterprises of all kinds are leveraging these advanced capabilities and scaling them through automation to improve business process management, sharpen organizational strategies, and reap more analytical and predictive insights from data for […]
The Crucial Role of Data Lifecycle Management in Driving Business Success
No matter what industry you work in, Data Management is increasingly important for your career and performance. Information is no longer separate bits of data – the internet of things (IoT) and big data mean that every piece of data is interconnected. But, to keep your data healthy and secure, you need to be aware […]