
Getting to AI Adoption at Scale

Everyone wants to increase the adoption of their AI programs, but there are several “chicken and egg” problems to overcome: How do we get the resources to build out the technical infrastructure required to use AI at scale, when we have not proven the value yet? How do we create a culture of data-driven decision-making […]

Data Governance Trends and Dreams

Four years ago, in a fit of naivete, I decided to write a book about Data Governance. I wasn’t naïve about Data Governance – I was naïve about what that book would bring about. But, first, some background.  After I left my corporate gig, I did a state-of-the-state in the data industry to get a broader understanding […]

How Analytics Consumers and Data Experts Can Come Together to Close Insights Gaps

Data is critical to empowering businesses to make decisions that translate into boosted bottom lines. However, a recent NewVantage survey found that only 24% of the workforce is confident in their ability to read, work with, and analyze data. As a result, many organizations depend on data experts to obtain relevant insights that inform decision-making, which reinforces silos that separate […]

Can Predictive Analytics Provide Accurate Results Without Burdening Users?

If your business is struggling to forecast and predict outcomes and results, your management team is probably considering predictive analytics. The technology research firm Gartner states that “by 2025, 50% of data scientist activities will be automated by artificial intelligence, easing the acute talent shortage.” For the average team member, the concept of predictive analytics may seem daunting, […]

Facing the New Cloud Security Challenges

Based on the 2021 report “State of Cloud Security Concerns, Challenges and Incidents” from Cloud Security Alliance, 41% of participants didn’t know if they had a cloud security incident in the past year. That percentage has doubled since 2019. There’s no shortage of cloud security threats. When organizations use several providers and public clouds to meet their […]

Key Trends in Data and Analytics

In today’s world of unprecedented connectivity and advances in technology, the benefits of big data are accessible to even modestly scaled businesses. Indeed, business leaders who resist the shift to digital transformation do so at their own risk. But harnessing the power of data and analytics requires careful planning, preparation, and commitment. Where to begin? […]

Data Literacy Best Practices

The term “data literacy” refers to the ability to extract meaning from data. IDC, the global market intelligence expert, has predicted a “ten-fold increase in worldwide data” by 2025. It’s no wonder many data-driven organizations are in a race for an enterprise-wide data literacy initiative, with the vision of transforming their employees into data-literate workers. Global […]

Data Democratization on the Business Front Line

There has been a lot of press about the concept of data democratization and the resulting improvement in data literacy across the enterprise and yet, many businesses still see this democratization effort as restricted to middle managers or to the use of analytics within the four walls of the headquarters or regional offices of the […]