Without a clear understanding of core data concepts, communications around implementing an organizational Data Management initiative can become a muddle. As different teams come together to plan and organize data activities, they must integrate what they mean about data with any technologies. For example, take the term “Data Governance.” Data engineers building systems and tools to enable […]
Data Literacy 101
From social media to online shopping, data is generated and collected at an unprecedented rate. In the current data-powered society, it is crucial to be able to understand and interpret all types of data. Data literacy – the ability to read, analyze, and communicate with data – is crucial to use the power of data. […]
How Data Governance and Data Literacy Overlap
In today’s tech-driven world, with 120 zettabytes generated annually, most of us already use data – and lots of it. “Everyone who reads a paper or scrolls through the Internet is already acquainted with data,” said Wendy Lynch, founder of analytic-translator.com and Lynch Consulting, in a recent Elevating Enterprise Data Literacy webinar. “We depend on data, compare data, react to data, […]
Creating a Data Maturity Model: What, Why, How
Creating a data maturity model can be useful for a business that is shifting from minimal use of its data to maximizing its potential. A data maturity model is a blueprint that can help determine the best ways to improve how an organization uses its data. It can identify the gaps in a business’s data […]
The Cool Kids Corner: Change Management for Data Literacy
Hello! I’m Mark Horseman, and welcome to The Cool Kids Corner. This is my monthly check-in to share with you the people and ideas I encounter as a data evangelist with DATAVERSITY. This month we’re talking data literacy and change management. What is data literacy? Why is it important? What are the barriers? How do […]
Why the Future Success of Organizations Relies on Innovation from IT
Organizations are sitting on a mountain of data and untapped business intelligence, all stored across various internal and external systems. Those that utilize their data and analytics the best and the fastest will deliver more revenue, better customer experience, and stronger employee productivity than their competitors. And the organizations that can answer the tough questions […]
Becoming Data-Driven Without a Data Analyst
Data analysts are an important part of modern business, and this article will not argue otherwise. But it will argue that not every company, department, and team needs a data analyst to become data-driven. Before being hired as senior product manager of a data integration platform, I had little experience working directly with data tools. But I knew […]
Building a Data Culture with Data Storytelling
Businesses worldwide are churning out vast volumes of data like never before. Statistics show that people will generate 120 zettabytes of data by the end of 2023, and that number will likely climb to 181 zettabytes by 2025. To extract the full value of all this data, business leaders must prioritize data-driven practices such as data storytelling – a […]
Data Mesh: A Pit Stop on the Road to a Data-Centric Culture
The noble effort to build a “data-centric” culture is really a journey, not a destination. With that perspective, we can understand that no matter how good a given environment seems to be –especially compared to whatever existed before – there’s always room for enhancement. As more technologies, strategies, and disciplines emerge, the ongoing evolution ensures constant improvement. […]
Overcoming Eight Data Literacy Barriers
Leaders want “everyone, everywhere, and all at once to become highly data-literate, demonstrate a high capability to read, work with, and analyze data,” says Dr. Wendy Lynch, founder of Analytic-Translastor.com and Lynch Consulting. As a consultant to numerous Fortune 100 companies, she understands why organizations want all their members to have a high level of Data Literacy. […]