
A Brief History of Data Literacy

Data Literacy is essentially the ability to read and understand data, much as one might read and understand a magazine article. The primary advantage of having the bulk of the staff made up of people who are data literate is that it reduces the need for data scientists. People on staff can handle many of […]

Five Data Governance Trends for Digital-Driven Business Outcomes in 2021

Click to learn more about author Tejasvi Addagada. To date, many organizations have focused on formalizing data consumption practices through distribution technology, access-based delivery mechanisms for analytics, and AI functions. However, with data protection laws and positive awareness across the world, firms have extended the formalization to data collection management. This, in fact, is the first […]

Maturing Data Governance and Data Literacy to Serve Organizations Better

Maturing Data Governance means growing an organization’s conception and management of its data assets from a narrow IT project conception to the broader business. Organizations can no longer ignore this approach as they drive to digitally transform, improve business efficiency and effectiveness through digitization and human resources. Al-Ruithe, et al. hammer this point home by […]