by Angela Guess According to a new press release, “Collibra, the leading data governance software platform for business users, today unveiled its Collibra 5.1 release. Collibra 5.1 delivers advanced functionality that streamlines the massive shift to self-service analytics. Thanks to new levels of collaboration, productivity, and ease-of-use in Collibra 5.1, business users can easily find, […]
Complete Data Management: Data Governance, Analytics, and Data Integration All in One
“It’s time to more aggressively pursue holistic Data Management,” says David Friedland, IRI VP of Business Development. “Marshalling all your data together in a centralized area,” so that everyone whose activities require access to it can perform their work in a less siloed and more shared way. That’s the message from IRI, which is well-known […]
Metadata Management and Data Governance: The Essentials of Enterprise Architecture
“To be successful, a solution to both Metadata Management and Data Governance should be integrated,” said Christian Bremeau, CEO and President of Meta Integration Technology. “Metadata Management starts by supporting virtually any tools that your IT is using.” Bremeau presented at the DATAVERSITY® Enterprise Data World 2016 Conference with his colleague, John Friedrich, Vice President […]
The Future of Data Management: An Evolution of the Industry
DATAVERSITY® recently interviewed John Schroeder, the Founder of MapR, to find out his thoughts on what is approaching on the Data Management horizon. Schroeder has more than 20 years in the Enterprise Software space, with a focus on Database Management and Business Intelligence. Such a background gives Schroeder insight into how the world of Data […]
Data Lineage and Data Quality: Two Vital Elements for Enterprise Success
“An enterprise CEO really ought to be able to ask a question that involves connecting data across the organization, be able to run a company effectively, and especially, to be able to respond to unexpected events,” said Ian Rowlands, while speaking at the DATAVERSITY® Enterprise Data World 2016 Conference. In his presentation he discussed the […]
The Enterprise Data Catalog: Use Cases for Having a Time Machine
Speaking at the DATAVERSITY® Enterprise Data World 2016 Conference, Jeremy Posner, Senior Director of Data Management and Strategy at Synechron, offered the Enterprise Data Catalog as a useful tool in three use-cases: eDiscovery, Records Management, and Data Sourcing Integration Points. Posner says that the temporal database of an Enterprise Data Catalog can serve as a […]
A New Take on Data Discovery, Data Management, and its Relationships
Having herself held senior roles in IT at Wall Street companies including Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Oksana Sokolovsky is quite familiar with the challenge of Data Management and data discovery. As co-founder and CEO of ROKITT, her goal was “to build a product that solves that challenge,” she says. The challenge exists […]