While data lakes and data warehouses are both important Data Management tools, they serve very different purposes. If you’re trying to determine whether you need a data lake, a data warehouse, or possibly even both, you’ll want to understand the functionality of each tool and their differences. This article will highlight the differences between each and how […]
What Is Unstructured Data?
Unstructured data is data that does not confine itself to a predetermined data model. This lack of structure renders it indecipherable to relational (SQL) databases. Hence, it cannot be easily used in a computer program and should be stored in its raw form in data lakes or non-relational (NoSQL) databases. According to CIO, unstructured data accounts for up to 90% […]
Recommendations to Level Up Your Machine Learning Platform
With machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications becoming more business-critical, organizations are in the race to advance their AI/ML capabilities. To realize the full potential of AI/ML, having the right underlying machine learning platform is a prerequisite. Today’s machine learning platforms are undergoing rapid, fundamental innovations at an architectural level. Meanwhile, organizations are […]
The Semantic Layer Goes Mainstream
The semantic layer concept within the data stack is not new but is an increasingly popular topic of conversation. I predict that in 2022, we’ll see mainstream awareness of the semantic layer, especially as enterprises begin to see real-world examples of its benefits. The fact that industry leaders are discussing the need for a semantic […]
How to Combine Agility and Control with Data Convergence
Every generation of data infrastructure technology has promised more speed and agility, or better standardization, centralization, and control. This “or” proposition has fueled the ongoing battle between business leaders who require timely insights from dynamic data sources to drive better outcomes, versus IT leaders who need solutions that provide high leverage, scale, and governance. Essentially, […]
Three Ways Data Analytics Will Progress in 2022 and Beyond
Most industries have seen tremendous change due to the pandemic over the past two years, which has brought new and ever-evolving data that businesses need to make sense of. With that, data analytics tools have become more imperative than ever, as they can help organizations analyze changing business patterns as well as offer insightful visibility […]
Data Lakes for Non-Techies
Click to learn more about author Joan Fabregat-Serra. IT has weaponized jargon since the very beginning of IT itself. Jargon was a key element to create vendor lock-in situations during the ’90s and early 2000s. Moreover, complex usability helped in developing a network of certified (aka expensive and lucrative) consultancy workforce. IT has recently experienced […]
The Data Warehouse, the Data Lake, and the Future of Analytics
Data lakes were created in response to the need for Big Data analytics that has been largely unmet by data warehousing. The pendulum swing toward data lake technology provides some remarkable new capabilities, but can be problematic if the swing goes too far in the other direction. Far from being at the end of this […]
In a Data-Driven Economy, Data “Real Estate” Must Be Modernized
Click to learn more about author Mike Potter. The rush to become data-driven is more heated, important, and pronounced than it has ever been. Businesses understand that if they continue to lead by guesswork and gut feeling, they’ll fall behind organizations that have come to recognize and utilize the power and potential of data. But […]
Big Data at 10: Did Bigger Mean Better?
Click to learn more about author Mathias Golombek. If this time 10 years ago you were working in data and analytics, something was about to happen that would go on to dominate a large part of your professional life. I’m talking about the emergence of “big data.” I recently read that the origins of the concept […]