Click to learn more about author Kendall Clark. The mandate for enterprise IT to deliver business value has never been stronger. Today tech professionals are key participants in helping drive enterprise business strategy. Yet, to be truly effective, they are quickly learning that agility is the key enabler. Hampered by data strategies that leave teams […]
Data Drives Digital Transformation’s Success in 2021
Click to learn more about author Keith Higgins. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to accelerate digital transformation into 2021, 73 percent of manufacturers plan to increase their investment in smart factory technology over the next year. However, as manufacturers will favor automation to address social distancing and capacity requirements, people will be critical for digital […]
Lacing Up EDI and API to Win the Omnichannel Race: Is the Boot on the Other Foot?
Click here to learn more about John Thielens. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly amplified the demand for companies to seamlessly handle omnichannel exchanges, as reported by a recent Nielsen study. In addition, as a result of the pandemic, work-from-home and remote management requirements have forced enterprises to adopt cloud-hosted applications. Enterprises that had previously relied […]
A Development Environment for Data with CI/CD
Click to learn more about author Einat Orr. Data engineering is the science and art of producing good and timely data. Its goal is to deliver data to users even more than to deliver applications. There are great methods and tools that help deliver applications with consistently high quality. What are the methods and tools […]
Case Study: Polaris Puts Data Analysis in the Service of Defeating Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is believed to be the third-largest criminal activity in the world, according to the FBI. The Department of Homeland Security advises that industries around the world including agriculture, hospitality, restaurant, and domestic work, as well as prostitution, often take advantage of modern slavery. Those pulled into this underworld are often held in isolation […]
Navigate Pricing Challenges in the New Normal Using Data and Analytics
Click to learn more about author Devansh Sharma. As the world is slowly and gradually recuperating from the pandemic, markets are opening, businesses are restarting, and customers are returning, but the new normal is still full of uncertainty. What It Means for Businesses Demand and production have contracted across sectors; for some, it has contracted […]
The Role of Data Integration During the Pandemic
Click to learn more about author Ibrahim Surani. In 2020, the world came to a standstill when COVID-19 took over. Its impact has been visible across every industry all over the world. However, one major advantage we have in managing this modern pandemic is sophisticated technology that can help us flatten the curve. By collecting […]
The Impact of Data Growth on Enterprises
Click to learn more about author Ibrahim Surani. Data has changed the world we live in. Today, enterprises utilize data to introduce new business models, enhance customer experience, generate new revenue streams, create personalized services, and become more agile. This reliance is only increasing with time as the world experiences unprecedented data growth. This data […]
Maintaining Data Integrity During Integration
Click to learn more about author Ibrahim Surani Every organization integrates and shares data with multiple systems, processes, and individuals. With data being generated and consumed at unprecedented levels, the challenge is ensuring its integrity before it’s processed or fed into reporting and analytics databases. Consider a scenario, where you have to decide whether to […]
Optimizing the Data Warehouse
The data warehouse, a relational database technology, makes all enterprise information actionable, and will continue to be prominent as a Data Architecture component. In the 2000s, a typical business would consolidate data from multiple relational databases, centralizing all this information through a data warehouse, and consequently streamlining business tasks. However, the business context has shifted […]