
Data Fabric Use Cases

Data is expanding in volume, variety, and sources; therefore, so is the business need for trustworthy, accurate, and timely data for on-demand “competitive intelligence.” Data fabric use cases offer a long-range technological solution for handling the myriad challenges that come with such a complex data ecosystem. This “converged platform,” designed with a unique architecture and […]

4 Common Data Integration Challenges

The ability to integrate data successfully into a single platform can be a challenge. Well-integrated data makes it easy for the appropriate staff to access and work with it. Poorly integrated data creates problems. Data integration can be described as the process of collecting data from a variety of sources and transforming it into a format compatible […]

Data Lakehouses: The Future Of Data Migration

It’s no surprise that, in 2023, business enterprises want to become truly data-driven organizations. For many of these organizations, the path toward becoming more data-driven lies in the power of data lakehouses, which combine elements of data warehouse architecture with data lakes.  Data lakehouse architecture is particularly attractive to businesses that want to more rapidly […]

The Hype Around Semantic Layers: How Important Are Standards?

There are several reasons why the notion of semantic layers has reached the forefront of today’s data management conversations. The analyst community is championing the data fabric tenet. The data mesh and data lake house architectures are gaining traction. Data lakes are widely deployed. Even architectural-agnostic business intelligence tooling seeks to harmonize data across sources. Each […]

Why Digital Transformation and Data Integration Are Natural Enemies – and How That Can Change

Digital transformation represents the ultimate best practice of the modern era – it signifies ongoing change driven by technological advances and expanded capabilities, helps companies and employees exceed their perceived potential, and constantly raises the bar on competition and performance. And, of course, optimal data management is at the heart of that evolution. So why does it seem […]