
4 Best Practices to Jumpstart Your Data Governance Program

by Angela Guess According to a recent press release, “Quantzig, a global analytics solutions provider, has announced the completion of their latest article on the four best practices to jumpstart your data governance program. Implementing a successful data governance strategy requires careful planning, the right people, and suitable tools and technologies. Data governance allows organizations […]

Congruity360 Delivers Action-Based Information Governance Analytics

by Angela Guess According to a new press release, “Congruity360, a leading provider of professional and fully managed services for enterprise data management, brings to market Audit, Intelligence, Action (AIA), a comprehensive information governance solution enabling enterprise companies to audit, gather intelligence on, and take action with their data. Congruity360’s information governance solution combats the […]

PossibleNOW Announces Strategic Solution with RedPoint Global for GDPR Consent Management

by Angela Guess According to a recent press release, “PossibleNOW, the leading provider of enterprise consent and preference management solutions, today announced a strategic product initiative for GDPR consent and data governance with RedPoint Global, the leading provider of customer data platform and customer engagement technology. This initiative is a response to the demands that […]

What Is Data Curation?

Data curation, as defined by The University of Illinois’ Graduate School of Library and Information Science: “is the active and ongoing management of data through its life cycle of interest and usefulness.” Sayeed Choudhury, Associate Dean for Research Data Management at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) and leader of the Data Conservancy, further breaks down Data […]

What Is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)?

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) describes a model where customers license a software application provided by and outsides vendor. In return, as Gartner states, “a customer gets a software based on one set of common code and data definitions.” Depending on the vendor’s payment program, users can access the software at any time. Think of SaaS like an […]