Over the last year, a series of high-profile cyber attacks caught the attention of media, national governments, and the broader public. Spectacular data breaches like those that affected Colonial Pipeline, JBS, and SolarWinds can have dramatic consequences for the victims, ranging from ransomware payments to significant reputational damage. As a result, it’s no surprise that many organizations design their […]
Prioritizing Cybersecurity at the Leadership Level
Week after week, month after month, shareholder cyber lawsuits hit the news. Capital One settles for $190 million. A class-action lawsuit was filed against Ultimate Kronos Group for alleged negligence regarding a ransomware attack, identifying a poor cybersecurity system as the root problem. These two news items in recent months underscore the risks companies face in their ongoing war […]
3 Common Zero Trust Challenges – and How to Overcome Them
According to IBM, the average cost of a breach was $1.76 million less at organizations with a mature zero trust approach than those without. It’s understandable why this verify-first, trust-later mentality has gained steam over the last few years. And the reality is, that organizations don’t have much of a choice. The world saw an alarming […]
Identity Management Day Is More Relevant Than Ever
Employees are leaving their jobs at unprecedented rates amid what many are calling the Great Resignation. While resulting labor shortages appear to be the most immediate issue to address, beneath the surface is another urgent challenge for business leaders: securely onboarding and offboarding employees. Many of today’s offboarding processes allow former employees continued access to […]
2022: The Year of Cyber Risk and Resilience
In the last 22 months, the world has changed both drastically and unexpectedly. In all areas of life, processes have been altered and redefined to fit the needs of the new landscape. Based on recent events, I believe that 2022 will represent a distinct focus on cyber risk and resilience driven by three key factors: […]
Preventing Data Breaches with Continuous Security Validation
Data breaches in the U.S. are on the rise, with millions of individuals impacted: According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, the number of data breaches from January to September 2021 (1,291) exceeded the number of attacks during all of 2020 (1,108). It’s possible that number is even higher because many companies often don’t disclose data breaches. Most […]
2022 Predictions: Data Privacy, API Attacks, and Embedded Finance
The second year of the pandemic, 2021 was an eventful one, as new security threats emerged and technological breakthroughs were made. Looking to 2022, IT and security professionals must be prepared for whatever comes next – from advancements in embedded finance to mounting consumer data privacy concerns to data breaches due to leaky APIs. Embedded Finance Will Revolutionize the Technology Industry Over the […]
What’s Next for Identity Security in 2022
According to The Identity Theft Research Center, the number of data breaches this year has already surpassed the total number in 2020 by 17%, making it a record-breaking year for data compromises. So far in 2021, nearly 281.5 million people have been affected by some sort of data breach. Even as new advances in identity security come […]
A New Era of Risk: Data Security Through Modern Authentication Technologies
IT professionals are still struggling to manage the risks brought about by remote work with their existing data security tools. Remote access went from being considered a workplace exception to the default model for large swaths of employees seemingly overnight. However, the considerable strain remote access puts on information security environments continues to be felt. […]
Vendor Onboarding and Offboarding: Are You Doing It the Right Way?
Insecure and mismanaged third parties like vendors, cloud companies providing software applications or infrastructure, and supply chain partners are directly correlated with many data breaches and hacks. In fact, recent research revealed that 59% of data breaches were related to a third party. Amongst all, one of the most crucial aspects of managing third-party risk is having good onboarding processes […]