
Data Literacy Training for Data Engineers

It may seem counterintuitive to think of data engineers needing to improve Data Literacy, the ability to read, work with, analyze, and argue with data. After all, data engineers apply technical Data Literacy skills to build and optimize operating systems and pipeline channels. At the same time, data engineers show gaps in using organizational Data Literacy and communicating […]

Data Architecture Trends in 2023

With the onset of the pandemic, global businesses began to realize the power of operational efficiency, scalability, and growth. With this realization came the crucial need to shift their data centers to managed service ecosystems – cloud platforms in all their variations. However, locating a suitable data center partner on the cloud has not been an […]

Data Lakehouses: The Future Of Data Migration

It’s no surprise that, in 2023, business enterprises want to become truly data-driven organizations. For many of these organizations, the path toward becoming more data-driven lies in the power of data lakehouses, which combine elements of data warehouse architecture with data lakes.  Data lakehouse architecture is particularly attractive to businesses that want to more rapidly […]

What Is a Data Lakehouse?

A data lakehouse is a data storage space containing unstructured and structured data. While data warehouses can store structured data and data lakes are designed for unstructured data, the data lakehouse was developed to provide a resource for both types of data. Data lakehouses allow users to combine the structure and features of a data warehouse with the low-cost […]

Without Trusted Core Data, Data Mesh Is Data Meh

Organizations seeking responsive and sustainable solutions to their growing data challenges increasingly lean on architectural approaches such as data mesh to deliver information quickly and efficiently. Data mesh and other virtual data approaches connect, unify information, and make it available across numerous data silos and warehouses to get it efficiently into the hands of analysts and other […]