
Data Quality Metrics: How to Measure Success

Data Quality metrics are a measuring system that allows the “quality of data” to be evaluated. Data Quality metrics can be used to determine how useful and relevant data is, and it helps to separate high-quality data from low-quality data. It is much easier—and safer—to make business decisions based on reliable information. Poor information (based […]

Data Lakes: What They are and How to Use Them

Click to learn more about author Jaya Shankar Byrraju. For most companies, having data means having access to wealth. And the key to fully leveraging the wealth that data represents lies in how effectively companies harness, manage, parse, and interpret it. But first, the data must exist somewhere. Enter data lakes. These are central repositories […]

How Scorecards and Dashboards Provide Clarity for Better Decision-Making

Click to learn more about author Manish Godha Scorecards provide historical, current, and predictive views and reports of business operations and resources on easy-to-understand visual dashboards. They compare performance against forecasted benchmarks and targets. And they do so with the intent of tracking, managing, and improving an organization’s performance. By aggregating data from various enterprise […]