
The 2021 Year in Review and What to Expect in Data Security in 2022

This year saw a number of significant changes on both the state and federal levels with regard to data privacy and data security. These changes reflect the increasing focus on the digital landscape to which the global economy has shifted and emphasized a much sharper focus on protecting sensitive information. Indeed, the significance of having strong cybersecurity […]

A New Era of Risk: Data Security Through Modern Authentication Technologies

IT professionals are still struggling to manage the risks brought about by remote work with their existing data security tools. Remote access went from being considered a workplace exception to the default model for large swaths of employees seemingly overnight. However, the considerable strain remote access puts on information security environments continues to be felt.  […]

Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Cyber-Insurance

Recent headlines are rife with reports of hackers wreaking havoc on U.S. companies and small businesses. One important step that’s particularly critical for small businesses to take is to invest in cyber-insurance, also known as cybersecurity insurance.  The U.S. government’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency describes the purpose of cybersecurity insurance as “designed to mitigate losses from […]