
NPI Plus MDM Yields Omnichannel Success

Click to learn more about author Bruck Assefa. New product development and introduction requires the collaborative participation of different departments, often working in parallel. New product introductions (NPI) often represent a make-or-break opportunity for manufacturers and brands, especially in younger companies. Yet the statistics on NPI success are daunting — recent studies from LNS Research highlight […]

Big Data for Big Pharma: The Power of Predictive Analytics

Click to learn more about author Jasmine Morgan. The pharmaceutical industry is a billion-dollar enterprise which sits on mountains of data. It could use a tool which takes these heaps of information and neatly classifies them, highlighting the relationship between different entities like doctors, patients, prescribed drugs, and diagnoses. This industry faces countless problems related to […]

Why Retailers Must Prep Their Data for a Successful Holiday Season

Click to learn more about author Hamaad Chippa. With “Back 2 School” season over, retailers are now focused squarely on the crucial holiday shopping season. This includes planning and developing products influenced by customer demand, aligning important suppliers, capacity planning at warehouse and distribution centers, prepping traditional and digital sales channels, and developing key marketing […]