
A Brief History of Analytics

Historically speaking, a simple definition of analytics is “the study of analysis.” A more useful, more modern description would suggest “data analytics” is an important tool for gaining business insights and providing tailored responses to customers. Data analytics, sometimes abbreviated to “analytics,” has become increasingly important for organizations of all sizes. The practice of data […]

Fundamentals of Cognitive Analytics

The journey of data analytics began with simple descriptive (review of past events) and diagnostic (analysis of past events) exercises and moved to the more sophisticated predictive and prescriptive genres,where advanced data models have enabled accurate future forecasts and actionable intelligence. And now cognitive computing has further strengthened the actionable predictive power of the machines […]

Oil and Gas, Sustainability, and Cognitive Computing

by Angela Guess Steve Callahan and Sandipan Sarkar of IBM recently wrote in Forbes, “Around the world, sustainability is increasingly being adopted as a social objective and a political need. Though approaches and pace differ from region to region, nearly every nation starting to focus on making electric supply more sustainable. How sustainability is embraced […]