
5-Step Checklist for SaaS Businesses to Enhance Cloud Security

Most SaaS businesses leverage the cloud to manage and store their data, applications, and workloads. With appropriate cloud security measures, SaaS businesses can ensure device and user authentication, resource and data access control, and privacy.  This can help protect cloud-based infrastructure from malware, unauthorized access, and cyberattacks. What’s shocking is, a recent survey by Oracle revealed that 92% of […]

7 Steps to Migrating (Successfully) to the Cloud

Salespeople promise that migrations to the cloud will bring about greener pastures, with more money remaining in our pockets. It seems possible, so we make the switch and wait. Yet, months of waiting brings about more of the same. It doesn’t appear to have benefitted our budgets. This is not because migrating to the cloud doesn’t save […]

The Competition Between On-Prem and Cloud Is Over – Hybrid Wins

Many organizations, when faced with the question of how to manage their workloads, ask themselves: on-premises or cloud, pitting the two against each other. But the reality is that most enterprises are operating in the world of “and,” meaning they have workloads on-prem and in the cloud – and that little three-letter word makes a world of difference. According to the State […]

The ABCs of Successful Digital Transformation 

Modernizing and streamlining company processes to efficiently operate in today’s hybrid world has become critical. With promises of increasing revenue, providing improved experiences, and bringing innovation, it is no wonder that the market for digital transformation (DT) is predicted to grow to $3.4 trillion by 2026. As companies continue their quest toward successful digital transformation, leaders globally […]

Trends in Data Governance in 2023: Maturation Toward a Service Model

Companies increasingly want to mature their Data Governance, the formal Data Management capabilities around its value as a service, in 2023. That way, organizations can respond to an uncertain business environment quickly and flexibly. While Kelle O’Neal, founder and CEO of the data consulting firm First San Francisco Partners, first identified this need for Data Governance as a […]

Beyond Traditional Backup Services: The Evolution of Workloads

Between 2020 and today, we have seen a tumultuous and transformative shift in the technological world. Of particular concern among organizations was a growing interest in new ways to manage invaluable data. Traditionally, data was stored in legacy backup services, including physical data centers, so when digital transformation accelerated, ensuring data remain secure and accessible became a […]

The Rise of Cloud Architecture

The rising popularity of cloud architecture signals a central theme: Global businesses in the coming years will migrate their data center operations fully to the cloud, as it offers some inherent advantages over on-premise set-ups. Business survival in the digital age has become synonymous with migration to the cloud. When businesses look for unlimited data storage and […]

Cloud Computing Trends in 2023

The trends in cloud computing are an expression of the cloud services that people and businesses find useful. Public cloud providers offer a broad range of software and services that are generally quicker and more flexible than the in-house versions. In the last few decades, many businesses have included cloud computing as a part of […]