
The Characteristics of Data-Driven Product Management and Development

Click to learn more about author Victor DeMarines. Gartner predicts that by 2021, some 75 percent of independent software vendors will embed software usage analytics in their products to inform product management decisions and measure customer health. When viewed through the lens of our product management recent survey “Listening to the Voice of the Customer,” that […]

How to Prevent Enterprise Collaboration from Stifling Knowledge Management?

Click to learn more about author Sandra Lupanava. It has never been easy to set up robust Knowledge Management in an enterprise. Organizational silos, communication barriers, and knowledge complexity often stall the development of Knowledge Management practices. In this context, organizations consider productive employee collaboration essential to successful Knowledge Management. Indeed, a collaboration-driven corporate culture […]

How a Knowledge Management Solution Can Help a Weak Knowledge Sharing Culture

Click to learn more about author Sandra Lupanava. Knowledge Management advocates have been discussing and promoting the concept of knowledge sharing culture since the late 90s. However, even 20 years later companies still struggle to adopt knowledge sharing initiatives. In their report on the state of Knowledge Management , TSIA proved that organizations would like […]