According to a new press release, “After a successful 8-month beta program with over 700 registered participants, Fluree PBC has officially released FlureeDB – a blockchain database built to power enterprise-grade applications – in production for general use. A number of companies involved with Fluree’s beta program are already poised to launch production ready applications […]
Blockchain Technology Set to Make Big Gains in the Financial Sector
Click to learn more about author Shweta Baidya. Since 2015, after the birth of the R3 consortium, a number of banks and financial institutions have been focusing on exploiting the potential of Blockchain Technology. The growing emphasis can be largely attributed to the increasing need for identifying the implications pertaining to the exchanges, agreements, and […]
The Future Impact of Data Science on Business Analytics
The field of Data Science is in a transitional mode in terms of how the latest data technologies are being used to solve business problems for a strategic advantage. In the near future, Data Scientists will conduct their business very differently. As Big Data, algorithm economics, IoT, and Cloud continue to become mainstream across global […] Partners with Anthem for End-to-End Data Trial Powered by AI on the Blockchain
According to a recent press release, “, a blockchain-based artificial intelligence (AI) platform that connects people, data scientists, developers and the healthcare industry to improve patients’ future health outcomes, today announced it is partnering with Anthem, Inc., one of the nation’s leading health benefits companies, to launch a groundbreaking AI data trial on the blockchain. […]
Ontology Announces Strategic Cooperation with BDN for Blockchain Application in Business
A recent press release reports, “Today Ontology, a new high-performance public multi-chain project and a distributed trust collaboration platform, officially announced its strategic cooperation with BDN (Business Data Network), a business data network based on blockchain technology. Both parties will focus on production logistics, new retail, offline business, and other fields, and co-build a distributed […]
Why Infusing Blockchain Technology Into AI is Presenting Unique Growth Opportunities
According to a recent press release, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies present unique growth opportunities as AI is clearly becoming an important piece of everyday life. AI in practical terms has become the theory and practice of building machines, applications and devices capable of performing tasks that seem to require intelligence. Innovative and cutting-edge technologies striving […]
Blockchain – Old Wine in a New Bottle?
Click to learn more about author Kasu Sista. Let us look at the fundamental technologies that are involved in Blockchain and what they do: Block, is a block of storage that is stuffed with transactions. Every database uses the same technology. Chain, is a doubly linked list. One of the first known data structures and […]
Three Questions You Aren’t Asking That Will Make Your Data Strategy Hum
Click to learn more about author Joe deBuzna. In the world where IoT, AI, blockchain and Cloud-connected devices are redefining everything from energy and finance to supply chains and services, this is the new reality: Companies across all industries are becoming data companies. As a result, tools for managing data workloads, like modern Data Lakes, have […]
Preservica Delivers New Research and Innovation in Digital Preservation
Digital preservation specialist Preservica recently announced in a press release the latest version (v5.10) of its market-leading active digital preservation and access platform. The fully supported and maintained single platform is available across Preservica’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and on-premise portfolio including Cloud Edition Essentials, Cloud Edition Professional and Enterprise Private Cloud. Shaped by user group priorities […]
A Blockchain of Data for Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management
Click to learn more about author Rudy Brathwaite. Data conceals as much as it reveals. That is, information alone clarifies little or nothing unless you can see everything with clarity. It is not enough to believe what you see, but to know what you see is true. The only way to know such a thing is […]