
Running Successful Data Science Projects

Companies pour a lot of effort into the Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI/A). In late 2013, Gartner predicted that the importance of BI/A projects for CIOs will continue to grow well into 2017 and beyond. Despite all the effort and attention on analytics though, companies are still struggling to succeed with Big Data. In a […]

Benefits of Hiring Freelance Big Data Experts

by Angela Guess Ari Amster recently wrote in Smart Data Collective, “By now, most businesses are aware of the benefits that can be gained by employing big data analytics in their organizations… Whatever the goal, big data seems to be the best way to reach it. Utilizing big data, however, isn’t always easy, especially when […]

2016 Trends in Data Analytics: More Hands Take Hold of the Power

Data Analytics is expanding its reach. In its report, Software 2016: Analytics, Acceleration and Agility, 451 Research predicts that analytics will become more prevalent throughout the layers of technology businesses use, from development to IT management, and databases to customer experience management. This is happening as the natural result of the increasing digitization of business, […]