
Big Data, Law Enforcement, and Privacy

by Angela Guess Ian Small, CDO of Telefonica, recently wrote in The Next Web, “The ability to access unprecedented levels of data from multiple sources is providing organizations with the insights they need to change the world. From healthcare to customer service, product development to education, big data is already starting to provide huge benefits […]

Don’t Let Big Data Blindside Your Business

by Angela Guess Paul Gillin recently wrote in Business2Community, “In a business world seemingly gone mad for Big Data, it’s worth remembering that our scramble for better trend lines and demographic profiles shouldn’t prevent us from overlooking the little stuff. ‘The corporate world has become completely blinded by Big Data,’ said branding Expert Martin Lindstrom […]

Big Data Doesn’t Always Equal Knowledge

by Angela Guess Kathleen Hickey recently wrote in GCN, “While big data analytics have been touted for their ability to find signals in a sea of noise, they cannot tell what those signals mean. Without a solid grasp of what data is being mined, knowledge of its accuracy and why and how it is being […]

3 Ways to Ensure Big Data Analysis Will Pay Off

by Angela Guess Michael Upchurch writes in ITProPortal, “Today, new, powerful data warehouse systems using in-database analytics can quickly ingest and process big data wherever it resides. What’s more, business users can now sift through data using familiar reporting tools, gaining easy access to powerful on-demand analytics and allowing data scientists to focus on building […]

3 Best Practices for Utilizing Hadoop

by Angela Guess Scott Fleming and Paul Barsch of Teradata recently wrote in Forbes, “It makes sense to get excited about the possibilities afforded by Apache Hadoop YARN-based applications such as Spark, Storm, Presto and others to provide substantial business value. However, the actual tasks of managing and maintaining the environment should not get short […]

Applying Data Analytics to UX Design

by Angela Guess Juned Ghanchi recently wrote in Inside Big Data, “Making informed and data driven decisions is crucial for creating UX that wins audience. By data analytics, entrepreneurs and UX professionals can access information that can guide them in developing more efficient user experience for apps. For some time, developers, designers and entrepreneurs are […]

Big Data Attack Plan: Distributed Data Lakes

by Angela Guess Mary Shacklett recently wrote in TechRepublic, “A democratization of the big data and analytics process can’t come soon enough for many organizations. This point was made clear during a talk last week with Michele Goetz, principal analyst for Forrester, and Ben Szekely, vice president and founding engineer for solutions and pre-sales at […]