
Industrializing Data Analytics

by Angela Guess Rajeev Ronanki, Ashish Verma, David Pierce, and Mark Shilling of Deloitte recently wrote in The Wall Street Journal, “Perhaps Ann Winblad, senior partner at technology venture capital firm Hummer-Winblad, said it best: ‘Data is the new oil.’ Against this backdrop, it seems almost illogical that few companies are making the investments needed […]

7 Enemies of Big Data

by Angela Guess Adrian Bridgwater recently wrote in Forbes, “The unfortunate truth is, big data has a lot of enemies… Enemy #1 – IT architecture. Sumit Nijhawan, CEO & President of Infogix argues that technology itself is the first major big data enemy. More specifically, Nijhawan is referring to the architectural challenge of integrating ‘elements’ […]

Can Big Data and Privacy Coexist?

by Angela Guess Michael Kassner recently wrote in TechRepublic, “User privacy concerns date back at least 200 years. In the 1800s, newspapers were more than a little invasive in their quest for news. In the early 1900s, wiretapping came into play with the invention of the telephone recorder. Both examples pale in comparison to what […]

Unlocking Value with Big Data Analytics

by Angela Guess Jagadish Thaker recently wrote in Smart Data Collective, “Big data analytics has brought a drastic change in most, if not all, types of modern industries over the past few years. As data continues to permeate our everyday lives, the focus now has been remarkably shifted from the hype surrounding it to actually […]

Dealing with Outliers in Big Data

by Angela Guess Lisa Morgan recently wrote in InformationWeek, “Data analytics has its own vocabulary that business decision-makers are under pressure to learn. Beware, though, because technical terms are often used loosely, sometimes to the detriment of individuals and their companies. An outlier is a good example. A lot of people are talking about outliers, […]

Snowflake Computing Brings Enterprise-Grade Security to Data Warehousing in the Cloud

by Angela Guess A new article out of the company reports, “Snowflake Computing, the cloud data warehousing company, today announced new features, third-party validations including support for HIPAA compliance, and a partner integration that together deliver a new standard in built-in security for cloud data warehousing. This comprehensive approach eliminates the complexity and burden of […]

Applying Semantic Technology to Big Data

by Angela Guess Jarred McGinnis recently wrote in IT Pro Portal, “The fragmented way in which firms across all of these industries hold data and content is one of the main causes of operational headache. For all of them the ability to accurately match data across their databases as quickly as possible is absolutely paramount […]