
Big Data, User Privacy, and OkCupid

by Angela Guess Michael Zimmer reports in Wired, “On May 8, a group of Danish researchers publicly released a dataset of nearly 70,000 users of the online dating site OkCupid, including usernames, age, gender, location, what kind of relationship… they’re interested in, personality traits, and answers to thousands of profiling questions used by the site. […]

Best Practices for NoSQL Databases

by Angela Guess Wayne Kernochan recently shared his thoughts on NoSQL best practices in Enterprise Apps Today. His list begins, “(1) In many if not most cases, the NoSQL database should be used as a complement to an existing or additional relational database that at the least handles deeper post-arrival data analytics. (2) All else […]

55 Big Data Startups Worth Watching

by Angela Guess Rick Whiting recently put together a list of 55 Big Data startups to watch for CRN. His list includes, “Alation. Top Executive: CEO Satyen Sangani. Alation exited stealth last year, debuting its enterprise data-accessibility platform that’s designed to help people more easily find, understand, use and govern their data for making faster […]

Fighting Zika with Big Data

by Angela Guess Greg Gillespie recently wrote in Health Data Management, “The Zika virus is sending a chill down the collective spine of healthcare providers and government agencies. So far, Brazil has confirmed nearly 3,000 cases of pregnant women infected with the virus, and the disease is spreading through the Americas. Kamran Khan says there’s […]

Embracing Big Data Tools: Lessons Learned at EDW 2016

by Angela Guess Jack Vaughan reports in Search Data Management, “The onslaught of big data, with its high data volumes and diverse data structures, has given rise to new technologies in the form of NoSQL, Hadoop, Spark and the like. NoSQL, particularly, calls for changes in established data modeling techniques. Some basic learning is in […]