
Don’t Let Bad Data Derail Big Data Projects

by Angela Guess Elbert Hearon writes in Datanami, “Big data means that once minute bad data problems now become magnified as big problems that can cause flaws with the very analytical results that were painted as one of the values of big data. As the proliferation of data continues, it is very important for organizations […]

Big Data in Enterprise Data Centers

by Angela Guess Mary Shacklett recently wrote in TechRepublic, “Largely constructed around systems of record, enterprise storage has revolved around what types of storage media and management systems to buy for files with fixed-length data records, and whether the nature of the data being stored was real-time or near real-time, or batch-populated data that needed […]

Is Big Data Overrated?

by Angela Guess Dorie Clark recently wrote in Entrepreneur, “Big Data, and its enormous power to quantify and illuminate phenomena, is all the rage. But author and entrepreneur Martin Lindstrom says it may be overrated. ‘Big Data is about analyzing the past,’ he says, and it’s ‘safe and accepted’ in our society to predict future […]

Big Data: Why Insights-as-a-Service?

Click to learn more about author Ariel Amster. One of the great lessons big data is showing us is that, just because a company captures and stores heavy amounts of data, doesn’t mean that data has value. As always, value hinges on context. And the value of big data hinges on a cycle of analysis, […]

5 Signs You Don’t Get Big Data

by Angela Guess Bernard Marr recently wrote in Forbes, “I’ll admit it: Big Data is not my favorite term.  It really trivializes and summarizes the trend too far, creating misconceptions and misperceptions of what this incredible shift in our technology, culture and world actually is. Despite the fact that I bill myself as a “big […]

Natural Language Generation: A Revolution in Business Insight

“Think about just how interconnected the world is now,” said Matt Gould, the co-founder of Arria NLG, a prominent enterprise in the development and deployment of Natural Language Generation (NLG) technologies worldwide. “Think about it from just a personal context. How much data are you generating personally every day?” Modern, connected humans interact constantly online […]

Big Data and the Streetlight Effect

by Angela Guess Ethnographer Mark Moritz recently wrote in New Republic, “Researchers are rightly excited about the possibilities offered by the availability of enormous amounts of computerized data. But there’s reason to stand back for a minute to consider what exactly this treasure trove of information really offers… We’ve all heard the joke about the […]

Getting Lost Along the Big Data Road

by Angela Guess Randy Lea of Teradata recently wrote in Forbes, “The word easy is not often associated with big data, but there is at least one pretty easy answer when it comes to the question of why companies embark on big data deployments: money, whether it is making it or saving it. What may […]

Big Data: The IT / Business Divide

by Angela Guess Mary Shacklett recently wrote in TechRepublic, “When IT deals with big data, the primary arena for it is… large servers that are parallel processing in a Hadoop environment. Thankfully for the company at large, IT also focuses on reliability, security, governance, failover, and performance of data and apps—because if it didn’t, there […]