DATAVERSITY Conference and Content Sponsorships

For more than two decades, DATAVERSITY has focused solely on providing comprehensive resources and education opportunities for anyone working with data, accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

DATAVERSITY is committed to helping you connect with people who need your solutions.

Drive More Leads

DATAVERSITY community members all have one thing in common: They work with data.

Our global community of data-loving practitioners, advisers, and customers power their workflow through DATAVERSITY’s catalog of articles, blogs, webinars, podcasts, online training, and interactive conferences. Our customizable packages allow you to curate the resources you need to reach your lead generation objectives. Download our Media Kit to learn about all the sponsorship options available to you.

Key Benefits for Sponsors

Access a New Audience

Reach a targeted audience of data management professionals aligned to your solution.

Expand Engagement

Expand your level of engagement with our bundles or a tailor-made package.

Build Connections

Build a deeper connection with potential customers through multiple channels.

Increase Visibility

Increase visibility with branding and logo placement for each sponsored activity.

Establish Credibility

Establish your company as a knowledgeable resource for the industry.

In-Person Events

DATAVERSITY conferences attract leading minds in data management, including C-suite executives, experts in business intelligence, engineers, data and AI governance professionals, and more. The twice-yearly Data Governance & Information Quality (DGIQ) conferences are complemented by a variety of co-located events including the AI Governance Conference, Enterprise Data World, and Women in Data Management and Governance. At DATAVERSITY events, your team will gain the opportunity to engage with knowledgeable attendees in the exhibit hall, and a limited number of sponsorship packages provide opportunities to showcase your thought leadership presentations and demo your data solutions for the audience.

Online Events

DATAVERSITY delivers curated, impactful live online events connecting industry thought leaders with best-in-class data management resources. Our online events allow you to engage with our audience across the globe. Position your brand as an authority on critical topics and technologies that help potential customers achieve their goals. Program agendas include enterprise analytics, enterprise data governance, and data architecture.

Visit for the current list and schedule of DATAVERSITY events. Contact us to request our event prospectuses.


Our turnkey and ad hoc webinar programs are unmatched in quality, attendance, registrations, and engagements. Sponsors receive qualified leads from the webinar. Gain brand visibility with logo placement on advertising webpages, promotion emails, and the on-demand video webpage.

Demo Days

This is your opportunity to conduct a product demo for an online audience with unparalleled lead generation. Demo Days focus on key technologies including data governance, AI governance, data quality, data architecture, and more. Connect with our team to learn about the upcoming product category-based schedule and the limited opportunities to participate in this exhibit hall-inspired experience. 

White Paper Syndication

Let us publish and promote your white paper to our engaged community of data professionals, and we’ll generate hundreds of valuable leads for you.

Don’t have a paper prepared? Let DATAVERSITY create a white paper for you. Our experts will work with your team to write, design, and promote your paper.

Research Papers

The DATAVERSITY Trends in Data Management annual report is approximately 40-60 pages in length and serves as a guide and authority within the data management industry. Sponsors can submit questions prior to the release of the survey to be considered for use and will receive a copy of the preliminary results and all contact information provided by the survey participants.

Free Marketing Opportunities

In addition to our sponsorship programs, you can participate in other content opportunities, including our blogs, podcasts, and articles. These options provide excellent ways to establish your subject matter experts as thought leaders and expose your brand to a broad audience.

Take the Next Step

We believe in partnerships that help you reach your goals. If you’re ready to experience the next level in data management sponsorship, connect with us today. Let’s collaborate to create a custom strategy that encourages growth, insights, and unprecedented success.