
How Software and Big Data are Changing Manufacturing in the United States

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manby Angela Guess

According to a recent article out of Ohio University, “With the increased use and capabilities of big data and software, many businesses are finding their operational models are shifting. As such, many industries have needed to adapt or change to ensure they keep pace with the evolution of progress. One of the industries that is changing in more ways than one here in the US is the manufacturing sector. To learn more, checkout the [below] infographic created by Ohio University’s online Master of Engineering Management program.”

The article goes on, “Many goods and services come from the manufacturing sector here in the US, though as a whole, the sector represents just 12 percent of total US Gross Domestic Product (GPD). 12 percent may not seem like much, but this equates to 1.2 trillion dollars of exported goods. The US manufacturing sector has increased manufacturing output by 30 percent since the recent Global Financial Crisis (GFC) hit the economy, and while many industries and companies took a blow during this time it was clear to see that the manufacturing sector rebounded in a positive way.”

It continues, “Big data needs software that is capable of handling large amounts of information. Thankfully, the United States has a good handle on software and big data application. This is something that at least 17 percent of US manufacturers are taking full of advantage of. Big data analytics has given manufacturers an opportunity to serve clients in a more effective way. This is possible through data extracted from sensors that are implanted in the products they produce. The results have included after-sales services like proactive maintenance, which is rendered to clients and has proved to be invaluable.”

Read more here.


Photo credit: Ohio University

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