
Got It Debuts Knowledge-as-a-Service Platform to Organize the World’s Brainpower

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by Angela Guess

A recent press release reports, “Got It today announced the debut of the first on-demand Knowledge-as-a-Service (KaaS) platform that helps professionals, learners and consumers quickly, and affordably, get personalized, interactive solutions to knowledge-based problems. Within seconds, Got It provisions a “knowledge-time” unit by using artificial intelligence (AI) to match a user with an ExpertRank™-based expert, who has bid in a real-time auction for a user’s problem, to provide a 1:1 chat session, for a fixed time period, with a service guarantee. Got It uses AI to compute ExpertRank through advanced machine learning algorithms that continuously classify each expert’s knowledge-time sessions based on numerous ranking factors. Knowledge-time units are sessions of fixed length, for example 10-minute sessions or 20-minute sessions, based on topic.”

Praful Shah, veteran SaaS industry executive for companies such as WebEx and RingCentral, commented, “IaaS made IT operations folks more productive, and PaaS made app developers more productive, but KaaS platforms will make every human being more productive… Knowledge is one of the most highly valued but inefficiently utilized global resources. A KaaS platform combined with human experts ranked using artificial intelligence (AI) can dramatically improve productivity for everyone. This could be knowledge workers who get stuck while working with financial, business or technology tools, learners who get stuck on problems in academic or professional courses, and consumers who need immediate and guaranteed help with any number of topics. More importantly, KaaS enables anyone with knowledge-based expertise to monetize their expertise in their free time through bite-sized knowledge-time sessions.”

Read more at Marketwired.

Photo credit: Got It

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