
Domo’s Business Cloud Helps Data Analysts More Easily Share Business Insights

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doby Angela Guess

A recent press release reports, “Domo today announced a series of new free enterprise offerings that leverage Domo’s Business Cloud to ease the pain that data analysts experience when trying to move from data discovery to sharing their key insights more broadly across their organizations. ‘Data analysts and IT professionals consistently tell us that data discovery tools like Tableau are great tools for data drilling — but when they need to share insights with executives across the organization, or work with large data sets, their experience quickly descends into what they refer to as ‘Tableau Hell’,’ said Josh James, founder and CEO, Domo. ‘Everyone is thirsty for data yet today’s desktop analysis and on-premise tools are not built for scale and cause more frustration for data professionals who are forced to toggle between multiple tools to find insights and then distribute them into the hands of business decision makers’.”

James added, “The pain is real. Existing tools can’t handle the volume of data being analyzed and don’t free analysts from the mindless torture of producing report after report after report for a growing audience of business decision makers who are gluttonous for actionable information. The use of tools that aren’t built from the ground up for the cloud are crippling organizations. There is no central command center for data governance and control. There is no one-version of the truth as teams work from disconnected sets of information.”

The release goes on, “To help alleviate these pain points, Domo will be adding new data discovery capabilities to its business optimization platform and making them part of Domo’s free offering. Domo also added its Workbench tool to its free account option, enabling on-premise data to be ingested to the data warehouse and easily added to visualizations. The result is that Domo will offer an unmatched single-source solution for end-to-end data integration, data discovery and sharing in the cloud — all without the hassles of integrating desktop software, third-party tools or on-premise servers.”

Read more at Marketwired.

Photo credit: Domo

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