Have you met the

Data Puppets yet?

The Data Puppets put the fun into Data! Led by the CDO (Chief Dog Officer), the menagerie includes the I.T. Bee, Ryan Raccoon the Data Engineer, a Pink Elephant as CEO, and of course, the indispensible Cat-sultant and the six-legged Ant-alyst, who are experts on everything. There are more in this all-star cast, with a movie coming out soon!

Why Puppets, you ASK?

Puppetry has been used to transmit knowledge in many cultures and traditions throughout history. And put a smile on many a serious face. Looking at you, data!


Introducing Our Faithful Leader

Let's hear about the CDO's data journey from Puppy Intern to AI-Super Pooch, straight from his muzzle

My journey as a CDO (Chief Dog Officer) embarked at PetFlix, where I served as a puppy intern developing the Pavlovian Algorithm to predict content engagement. I knew then I had to get my paws on more data and so I became an analyst at Face Bone sniffing out new information and chasing down answers.

At the risk of biting off more than I can chew, my objective is to create a data-driven utopia of interoperability where insights flow freely from workflow to edge across integrated ecosystems (and fix our quarterly reports).