Lowell is recognized as a thought leader in business metadata/glossaries, enterprise application integration, DW/BI applications, and Data Governance having hands-on experience with over 80 business intelligence implementations. He has also been recognized by W. H. (Bill) Inmon, and is a contributor to six of his books. Mr. Fryman is a co-author of the book “Business Metadata: Capturing Enterprise Knowledge”. Lowell is a Sr. Principal at Aspen Information Solutions and Director of the K2-Aspen Data Lab. Lowell has achieved a number of certifications including Certified Business Intelligence Professional (CBIP) for ICCP/TDWI and has an MSIT degree. Lowell is a past Adjunct Instructor for the Masters in Business Intellengence, Daniels College of Business, Denver University. He is also the past President of DAMA-International Rocky Mountain Chapter (RMC) and an active speaker at international conferences. Lowell is currently the industry practice leader for the Business Glossary channel on B-EYE-Network.com. Lowell has developed technology best practice courses and trained thousands of professionals in data warehousing, metadata, data quality and enterprise application development. Recently he has lead teams in the implementation of enterprise Metadata/Governance repositories, business intelligence applications, and business intelligence Centers of Excellence for major international corporations.