
OpenShift vs. Kubernetes: The Seven Most Critical Differences

Kubernetes and OpenShift are two of the most known container orchestration platforms. However, comparing the two platforms can sometimes lead to confusion because Kubernetes is an integral element of OpenShift. This article reviews the most critical differences between them, including deployment options, security, networking, and more. What Is Kubernetes? Kubernetes (K8S) is an open-source platform […]

Getting RPA to the Next Level

Click to learn more about author Tom Thaler Robotic process automation (RPA) is the fastest-growing segment of the global enterprise software market. That said, it’s not surprising that 41% of all operational process improvement programs focus on process automation and that RPA skills rank in the top three most important skills in achieving operational process […]

Evolving Software Business Models Require New Approaches to Customer Relationships

Click to learn more about author Nicole Segerer Any healthy relationship requires attention. It relies on thoughtful interactions, openness, and ongoing care. This is also true about the relationship between a software supplier and its customers. When a supplier tends to its relationship with a customer effectively, the chances for long-term success grow. An all-encompassing […]