
Reltio Demo: Unified Data Unleashed – A Closer Look at Modern Master Data Management

Download the slides here>> Tired of your rigid, costly legacy master data management system? Join this webinar to explore the modern MDM revolution. You will see a live demo of transformative MDM capabilities that unlock agility, scalability, and cost-effective ways to unify data. You will gain insights into the importance of industry-specific MDM SaaS solutions […]

Conceptual vs. Logical vs. Physical Data Modeling

Businesses face lightning-fast and massive data growth “at a time when analytical capabilities cannot even come close to meeting them,” said Dr. Peter Aiken at his recent Data-Ed webinar, “Conceptual vs. Logical vs. Physical Data Modeling.” An acknowledged Data Management authority and president of DAMA International, Aiken explained that a lack of understanding and documentation of a company’s Data […]