
Graph Databases in the Spotlight

Graph databases are distinguished by relationships. Users can query, for example, the connections that relate a customer to an account that he or she owns, or how many degrees of separation exist between Kevin Bacon and Audrey Hepburn. Ontologies are a key underpinning, providing a data model to describe things in a database. Metadata and […]

Designing an Efficient Hybrid Cloud Solution

Adopting a hybrid cloud philosophy can provide businesses with the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. A hybrid cloud is the concept of working with both an on-premise private cloud and various public clouds. While cost reduction is a primary goal, businesses also benefit from gaining a flexible IT infrastructure and significant scalability. The tools […]

Data Management vs. Data Virtualization

Data Management, as a principle, requires that data is brought to a single place, governed actively, and available in real time. It also includes the trust needed for business users to perform day-to-day business functions and to do it better than the competition. Data needs are contextual and based on the role of the user. […]

Database Management Updates and Latest Solutions

The word “database” may be one of the most misunderstood words in business computing. Several years ago, database meant a collection of data (or a base of data). As structured databases became popular, data became more and more organized. Structured databases were followed by the DBMS (database management system), which controls the data and how […]