
Blockchain Trends in 2020

2020 is likely the year when blockchain technologies will witness higher adoption rates and usage across industry niches. As announced in 2019, China may lead the way to substantial investment in blockchain research and applications. The largest cryptocurrency exchanges are in China, and this year may see some dramatic deployment shifts from the multi-cloud blockchains […]

Fundamentals of Cognitive Analytics

The journey of data analytics began with simple descriptive (review of past events) and diagnostic (analysis of past events) exercises and moved to the more sophisticated predictive and prescriptive genres,where advanced data models have enabled accurate future forecasts and actionable intelligence. And now cognitive computing has further strengthened the actionable predictive power of the machines […]

Data Architecture Trends in 2020

Data Architecture is tightly entwined with Data Strategy. It is the infrastructure to realize Data Strategy goals; the blueprint for managing data. It’s a big tent: ETL, Big Data, cloud, data virtualization, DataOps, governance, analytics, and anything else related to describing, organizing, integrating, sharing, and governing data. A look at many topics and discussions going […]

Hybrid Cloud vs. Multi-Cloud Architectures

The workloads (applications) running on an enterprise hybrid or multi-cloud network determine the architectural requirements. All cloud architectures share some common patterns, while the specifics of running workloads necessitate custom architectures. The architecture patterns are broadly of two types: “distributed-deployment” pattern and “redundant-deployment” pattern. In the former, an application runs in an environment best suited […]

The Collective Data Literacy Gap

Every graph, data set, and chart has a story behind it. Knowing how to make sense of that narrative across an organization requires data literacy. Increasing the data literacy of smaller teams can be complicated, but equiping an entire organization is an even bigger task. So many teams bring in so many different skill sets […]

Data Architecture and Data Science: What is the Intersection?

Data Science, in practice, should ultimately combine the best practices of information technology, analytics, and business. On the other hand, Data Architecture enables data scientists to analyze and share data throughout the enterprise for strategic decision-making. Thus, without a sound Data Architecture in place, data scientists will remain severely handicapped in their abilities to develop […]